Are any parts of Half of Faith true? Not exactly, but there are a number of events and characters that have a basis in real life. The story of how Josh and Maggie meet, and their interaction, is how my wife and I met. (I was her SCUBA instructor.) I had a Golden Retriever named Biscuit. I reference Josh’s cousin’s daughter, Allie. My real-life daughter Allie is indeed a past National Champion in Taekwondo, and is the current Texas State Champion for her sparring division. Josh is a former photographer. I was a professional photographer at one time. Josh loves flyfishing, Yep. Me, too. His house in Wyoming is an actual location that I love, though the log home is fiction. It’s my dream home. Several of the characters’ names are real friends of mine. I use a first or last name; never both in combination. Josh’s mentor and Russian professor is based on my college Russian professor. Josh’s immediate and extended family is very much mine. And so on…